The selection of the main synthetic parameters of the proposal, Topography and Functionality, acted as indicators for theoretical reflection. As a compass of both indicators, the notion of specificity was used: the identification and subsequent handling of the particular needs of the building programme in connection with the recognition of the individual features of the specific topography.
From the Building Programme the emphasis on specific functional layout of the premises was identified as well as their organisational distribution in different functional modules, while the topography revealed to us a sloping ground as well as open horizons overlooking the plains of the hill of Arona.
Our primary purpose is to design a building with strong elements of perception and reading of spatial relationships and to project them through a series of structures with different degrees of transparency, permeability, materiality and texture.
The stratification of successive layers into three dimensional boxes with different levels of accessibility and extroversion, as well as the treatment of the landscape as a continuous interconnection of open and closed spaces are the main synthetic tools that interweave and form distinctive spatial relationships.